You Should Make Every Effort To Protect Your Staff.
In these difficult times of the Covid pandemic, businesses are really taking a hit with regards to profits and their customer base. It has been a very difficult time for staff as well, as they try to continue to help customers while also trying to protect themselves. We take various measures as advised by our government to help protect ourselves like social distancing, washing our hands on a regular basis, and of course wearing face masks. However, it has proven itself to be quite difficult in recent times to be able to source face masks to wear to work, and so we turn to our employers for some much-needed assistance.
If you are currently an employer, then you will benefit from bulk standardised face masks, because you will always have them on hand to give your staff when they need them the most. Once you buy them in bulk form, they become a lot more affordable, and so providing your staff with these, is very advantageous to their health and their overall well-being. The following are just some of the reasons why you as an employer should provide face masks for your staff.
- It helps to reduce sick days – Employers lose many days every year due to staff taking time off due to sickness. They may have caught the flu or the cold, and it is very likely that they caught them from customers or other staff. If you provide your staff with a mask during the flu or cold season, it will help protect them from droplets that are sprayed when customers or staff cough or sneeze. If your staff are at work more often, then they are working harder to generate profits for you. These masks will help to pay for themselves in no time at all.
- It provides peace of mind – It is important that both your staff and customers feel comfortable in your store, and so providing your staff with masks allows them to feel a lot safer, and it gives the customers essential peace of mind that you are taking this Covid situation very seriously. It’s hard enough getting customers to come into your store at the moment, so you don’t want to be scaring them away by not having your staff wearing a proper face covering.
Once your order is in, it can generally be fulfilled in less than two weeks and be posted direct to your business premises.
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