ED Treatments: A General Discussion
ED treatments are known as drugs meant to correct sexual dysfunctions in males. The common treatments include anti-depressants (SSRI) like Prozac and Zoloft, and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) like Paxil and Celexa. These medicines are known to be capable of improving erection quality and thereby delaying or eliminating ejaculation. Some ED treatments, however, have serious side effects that may cause further problems such as sexual dysfunction, decreased libido, and even nerve damage. Thus it is important for one to be well informed on the possible side effects of these treatments.
One of the most common ED treatments is the use of electrotherapy or iontophoresis wherein electrical stimulation of the genital area produces pleasurable sensations in the patient. However, this treatment is only effective for people suffering from mild cases and does not prove effective for chronic or permanent disorders. Another non-invasive treatment for ED is conducted through clinical trials where patients receive shocks via no-site, transdermal patch, or gel application.
Currently available treatments for ED are designed to ameliorate the underlying conditions that trigger the problem. Most of these treatments are designed to improve functioning of the erectile tissues and increase the blood flow to the penile area. For some, particularly those with more severe disorders of the male reproductive organs, surgery may be required to repair any damage.
Among the commonly used non-surgical treatments for ED is the use of topical and injected collagen and silicone gel solutions that enhance penile volume and function. However, recent studies show that these topical solutions may only provide temporary relief. The gel solutions are applied on the penile shaft either by using a special applicator or a plastic stick. The stick is then gently pressed against the penile shaft to apply the gel. Unfortunately, because collagen and silicone cannot be absorbed into the body, this type of therapy does not increase the size of the penis.
There are some instances when ED cannot be treated with mainstream ED treatments. For instance, if the underlying cause of your disorder is a medical condition that cannot be treated, your healthcare professional may recommend you to undergo surgery to repair the underlying medical condition. For example, if you suffer from Peyronie’s disease, a heart condition, your healthcare professional may recommend you to undergo spinal cord stimulation to correct the problem. In most cases, however, most patients do not require such invasive procedures and other non-invasive treatment options.
In some cases, especially those with serious disorders of the reproductive organs, surgical procedures may be required. In these cases, your healthcare professional may recommend you to perform exercises to address the dysfunction. However, some men with serious disorders of the male reproductive organs choose to opt for more natural male enhancement therapies. These therapies include herbal supplements, lifestyle changes, and the use of topical creams and gels that promote healthy blood flows to the penile skin. The seed treatments can improve not only the condition of your erections but also your quality of life.
If you’ve been searching for information on the different types of ED treatments that are out there, you have most likely run across some info that includes at least one homeopathic treatment. Homeopathy is a great type of treatment because not only are the remedies effective, but they are also very safe. Many of the remedies and drugs used in mainstream medicine are considered to be too harsh and dangerous for long term use. For this reason, there are a lot of people who are choosing to go the all natural route. Here is a closer look at some of the different options that are available to you.
One of the more common treatments that you will find is that of anti-depressants. These are usually the first choice of a lot of people, but not everyone is comfortable with them. Some of the side effects of these drugs can be severe, and in some cases they can even have negative effects on your overall health. If you want something that is less invasive but still effective, you may want to look into some of the other ED treatments that are available.
The first of the alternative treatment options to look into is found with acupuncture. While this treatment does work, it is important to note that not everyone will get the same results. Acupuncture is not exactly a replacement for psychotherapy, but it can help to supplement it and can increase the success of whatever type of psychotherapy you are doing. This is a very effective treatment option for erectile dysfunction, but there are no studies to indicate whether or not it helps with other types of dysfunction.
One of the many alternative treatment options that you may also hear about is going to a urologist. A urologist will be able to determine what the cause is of the ED, and he will be able to recommend some of the best ED treatments that are available. While you may not be able to completely fix the problem, the urologist can provide you with the tools necessary to make it more comfortable. This includes using different types of lubricants and medication that can be prescribed to you as needed.
You can also look into the possibility of taking prescription drugs to treat your ED. ED drugs are usually referred to as PDE5 inhibitors, and they are usually recommended as the first line of defense. However, while these drugs are considered effective, they come with a number of possible side effects that you should be aware of before you begin taking them.
In some cases, your health care provider or ED clinic such as Premier Men’s Medical Center will recommend lifestyle changes along with prescription drugs to help treat your ED. These include cutting back on tobacco use and increasing your vitamin and mineral intake. These lifestyle changes will help to correct whatever issues may be contributing to your ED, and they can often be enough to allow you to return to your normal life. However, sometimes lifestyle changes aren’t enough, and in these cases your doctor may prescribe medication to help correct your ED. ED drugs are often one of the ED treatment options available to you.
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